A series of trilateral online workshops for residency organisers

Members of FAIRE, LOORE and SWAN are invited to join a series of trilateral online workshops as part of the Nordic-Baltic Residency Forum.

In the workshops, members of the residency networks from three countries, Estonia, Finland and Sweden, can connect online. The goal of the workshops is to enhance communication and information exchange among residency organizers, sparking new ideas, inspiration, and potential collaborations.

August 28th, 15:00-17:00 CET: ”Residencies Engaging with Local Communities” (For information see: swanresidencynetwork.com/onlineworkshop-1 )

October 29th (Organized by SWAN): Working with Artists in Exile
January (date TBC) (Organized by FAIRE): Funding
The Baltic-Nordic Residency Forum is supported by short-term network funding from Nordic Culture Point.
Residency networks LOORE, FAIRE and SWAN aim to build up a long-term network and involve other Baltic and Nordic residency networks in it. LOORE includes 17 residency organizers across Estonia, FAIRE 70 residencies in Finland and SWAN encompasses 130 network members and 55 residency members in Sweden.
The project aims to achieve a dual goal: to assist Estonian, Finnish, and Swedish networks of creative residencies in developing sustainable organizational work models and to establish a collaboration platform for organizers of artist-in-residence programs in these countries, promoting the sharing of best practices, facilitating exchanges, and stimulating collaborations within the Nordic-Baltic region.